
Mission Statement

To maintain a compact, representative and centralized organization to consider and act upon matters affecting the practice of medicine or the public health of Oneida County and to cultivate and advance education in the science of medicine and to maintain a high standard of integrity, honor and courtesy in the medical profession.
Security checks called by the controls of this page:
 UserOperationResultResource / Class / IDPermission / UI element / ValueSite / DomainContext
1 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnInit
2 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnInit
3 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS PageHelper.CurrentPage_InitComplete
4 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS PageHelper.CurrentPage_InitComplete
5 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnLoad
6 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnPreRender
7 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnPreRender