
Oneida County

Mohawk Valley Health System (includes Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare and St. Elizabeth Medical Center)
Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare
Faxton Campus: 1676 Sunset Avenue
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 624-5200

St. Luke's Campus
PO Box 479
Utica, NY 13503
(315) 624-6000
President & CEO: Scott Perra, FACHE
Vice President & CMO: Michael F. Trevisani, M.D.

St. Elizabeth Medical Center
2209 Genessee Street
Utica, NY 13501
(315) 798-8100
Senior Vice President & CMO: Albert D'Accurzio Jr., M.D.

Rome Memorial Hospital
1500 North James Street
Rome, NY 13440
(315) 338-7000
President & CEO: Basil J. Ariglio
Medical Director: Ankur Desai, M.D.

Security checks called by the controls of this page:
 UserOperationResultResource / Class / IDPermission / UI element / ValueSite / DomainContext
1 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnInit
2 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnInit
3 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS PageHelper.CurrentPage_InitComplete
4 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS PageHelper.CurrentPage_InitComplete
5 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnLoad
6 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnPreRender
7 This same security check is called more than once within the request. public IsInRole True _notauthenticated_ OneidaMS CMSAbstractWebPart.OnPreRender